VS: [ic] Search across auxiliary products not work

Kent-Rune K.Sætrum interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sat Apr 26 21:32:00 2003

> How should I do to search across products and auxiliary
> products tables?

Sorry for repeating myself, I forgot to include three lines. Not its all

This is my set-up for the search module I use. Just change of course the
parameter names that fit for your records, and this should do the work.
You can also add more lines to the lines that containes mv_search_field.
Just copy/paste, and change/add the VALUE.


<FORM ACTION="[process-target]" METHOD="POST" name="searchform">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_searchtype" VALUE="glimpse">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_substring_match" VALUE="yes">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_file" VALUE="products.txt">

   <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_field" VALUE="sku" CHECKED>
   <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_field" VALUE="kortbeskrivelse"
   <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_field" VALUE="langbeskrivelse1"

   <INPUT TYPE=image SRC="sokeknapp.gif" ALT="Click to start searching">
   <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_doit" VALUE="search">
   <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mv_search_page" VALUE="result_search">

   <INPUT MAXLENGTH="30" NAME="mv_searchspec" SIZE="22" VALUE="Search
word" onClick='if (document.searchform.mv_searchspec.value == "Search
word") document.searchform.mv_searchspec.value=""' style="font-size:
7pt; font-family: Verdana; color: #000000; background: #EEEEEE;">


Hope this works out for you. Its also included a nice useful function
you will see when you test :)

Datamarked AS