[ic] Authorize.Net integration instructions

In The Sun, LLC interchange-users@icdevgroup.org
Sun Jan 19 16:27:01 2003

I know this is an on going subject with Authorize.net but could any one show
me how to tag the line "my %query=(.....);"
When I do a preview the code is sticking out and I am assuming it is not
supposed to<grin>!!


on 3/14/01 3:35 PM, Jud Harris at jud-lists@copernica.com wrote:

> Hey folks -
> Here's how to get authorize.net processing into Interchange.  Please note
> my understanding of the ins and outs of IC is limited, I just know our
> is
> working well so far with authorize.net.  This should work out-of-the-box
> the included demo construct store.  We're using a slightly modified
> pages/ord/checkout.html page for orders, but none of the processing
> were changed.
> First off...
> With the newer version(s) of IC, an authorizenet module is included in the
> [src/interchange]/eg/globalsub/authorizenet
> *copy this* file to your installed ../interchange/globalsub directory -
> NOTE: don't attempt to perl -d the file or run it to check its
> as
> it is made to be embedded into interchange when it starts.  If you make
> modifications to it, remove everything except the section beginning with
> authorizenet .. {" and ending with "}"
> After copying the file, take a look at it.  It should tell you to add the
> following lines to your catalog's catalog.cfg file:
> Variable MV_PAYMENT_ID           [YourAuthorizeNetID]
> Variable MV_PAYMENT_SECRET    [YourAuthorizeNetPassword]
> Variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE       custom authorizenet
> [http://www.yourstore.com/cgi-bin/yourICbinary.cgi/process.html]
> Restart the interchange server - note: you won't see any textual
> that the authorizenet module is successfully included, but if there's an
> in the file, it will report it.
> **NOTE:  Be sure your authorize.net account is in TEST MODE before running
> transactions, or at least be ready to void transactions and incur
> fees.
> Now you *should* be able to order an item using a valid credit card.
> notice that authorize.net won't notice any of your test transactions in
> Transactions section, so there's no way for you to know if the customer
> (other than the credit card num and expiration) are being transmitted
> successfully.
> In fact, by default, they aren't.  You'll notice the authorizenet module
> processes a minimum amount of information with each transcation.  For
> instance,
> if an order has different billing and shipping addresses, the billing
> name
> and last name, address, city, state, zip, etc, .. are transmitted to
> authorize.net as the shipping information as well.  You'll also probably
> notice
> that all other fields except first name, last name, city, state, and zip
> transmitted to authorize.net.  This is because the variable names in the
> authorizenet module do not correspond to the variable names in the
> checkout.html
> file.  You can easily adjust the code to account for other variable names.
> Refer to the Appendix B of the developer section of the authorize.net
> interface
> for a mapping of their field names (such as x_Ship_To_First_Name).
> Here's some code from my slightly modified authorizenet file.  Now my
> transactions are logging the correct address data, but I still can't get
> phone or email to appear at all.  (Anyone have clues?)
> ---
> # if the billing section of checkout.html appears to be blank,
> # copy the customer shipping info to the billing vars
> if (($actual{b_address1} eq "") ||
> ($actual{b_zip} eq "")) {
> $actual{b_fname}    = $actual{fname};
> $actual{b_lname}    = $actual{lname};
> $actual{b_company}  = $actual{company};
> $actual{b_address1} = $actual{address1};
> $actual{b_address2} = $actual{address2};
> $actual{b_city}     = $actual{city};
> $actual{b_state}    = $actual{state};
> $actual{b_zip}      = $actual{zip};
> $actual{b_country}  = $actual{country};
> }
> # concatenate the two addresses into one if a second address line exists
> if ($actual{address2} ne "") {
> $actual{address} = "$actual{address1}" . ", " . "$actual{address2}";
> } else {
> $actual{address} = $actual{address1};
> }
> if ($actual{b_address2} ne "") {
> $actual{b_address} = "$actual{b_address1}" . ", " .
> "$actual{b_address2}";
> } else {
> $actual{b_address} = $actual{b_address1};
> }
> my %query = (
> x_Method        => 'CC',
> x_Type          => $actual{mv_payment_mode},
> x_Card_Num      => $actual{mv_credit_card_number},
> x_Exp_Date      => $exp,
> x_Amount        => $amount,
> x_First_Name    => $actual{b_fname},
> x_Last_Name     => $actual{b_lname},
> x_Company       => $actual{company},
> x_Address       => $actual{b_address},
> x_City          => $actual{b_city},
> x_State         => $actual{b_state},
> x_Zip           => $actual{b_zip},
> x_Country       => $actual{b_country},
> x_Ship_To_First_Name    => $actual{fname},
> x_Ship_To_Last_Name     => $actual{lname},
> x_Ship_To_Company       => $actual{company},
> x_Ship_To_Address       => $actual{address},
> x_Ship_To_City          => $actual{city},
> x_Ship_To_State         => $actual{state},
> x_Ship_To_Zip           => $actual{zip},
> x_Ship_To_Country       => $actual{country},
> x_Email                 => $actual{email},
> x_Invoice_Num   => $actual{mv_order_number},
> x_Phone         => $actual{phone_day},
> x_Password      => $secret,
> x_Login         => $user,
> x_Version       => '3.0',
> x_ADC_URL       => 'FALSE',
> x_ADC_Delim_Data => 'TRUE',
> );
> ---
> So... give the default code a try first and let me know how it goes.  I
> sympathize with authorize.net folks because of the lack of documentation
> scattered mailing list archive contents.
> Good luck!
> -Jud


Thanks so much for your post.  I will be able to try this out later this
weekend and will let you know how it goes.

Thanks again!

-Bill Shupp