[ic] Html email

Bill Carr bill at worldwideimpact.com
Fri Nov 7 11:10:45 EST 2003

On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 20:50, Anthony Minero wrote:
> Is anyone familiar with sending an html email for orders?
> Right now we have an email set up that seems to be working fine when I check
> it on a Yahoo account or even on my MAC using Entourage. But for some reason
> when I check it on a PC using Microsoft Outlook it's completely screwed up.
> It's like Outlook is having trouble with some characters or something.
> I've completely cleaned up all the html code in the but it still ends up
> screwy. I checked the source code in the email and it looks like it's
> replacing some character with "3D" whatever that is.
> Any ideas what may be causing outlook to read it funny?
> I have the following format in the page:
> [tmp receipt]
> <BODY>
> <table width="100%"><TR><TD align=left VALIGN=top>
> </td></tr></table></CENTER></BODY></HTML>
> [/tmp]
> [if value email_copy]
> Sending email copy of order [value mv_order_number] to [value email]:
> [email_raw]
> To: [value email]
> Subject: Your Order - Invoice #[value mv_order_number], [if value
> b_address1][value b_lname][else][value lname][/else][/if]
> From: "__COMPANY__ Customer Service" <__ORDERS_TO__>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> [scratch receipt]
> [/email_raw]
> [else]Email copy of order [value mv_order_number] NOT REQUESTED for [value
> email].[/else]
> [/if]
> [comment] Now send a copy to the store owner [/comment]
> [email_raw]
> To: someone at somewhere.com
> Subject: Your Order - Invoice #[value mv_order_number], [if value
> b_address1][value b_lname][else][value lname][/else][/if]
> From: "__COMPANY__ Customer Service" <__ORDERS_TO__>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> [scratch receipt]
> [/email_raw]
This post from Kevin Walsh shows you how

Try it like this:
[email to="[value mv_username]"
	subject="Thank you for your order #[value mv_order_number]"
	from=|"__COMPANY__ Customer Service" <__ORDERS_TO__>|
	extra=|[tag op=mime arg=header][/tag]|
	description="Order Text"
[scratch receipt]
	description="Order Text"
[scratch receipt]

Bill Carr
Worldwide Impact
bill at worldwideimpact.com

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