[ic] Dynamic Menu Items

Mike Heins mike at perusion.com
Sun Apr 18 01:55:33 EDT 2004

Quoting Miguel Gracia (mgracia at latambo.com):
> Hi,
> What is the proper syntax to use for the Exclude On parameter in the Menu
> Editor? 
> I want to exclude a menu from showing after the user have selected a
> different locale. If user selects locale A then show menu items 1,2, and 3.
> If the user selects locale B then show menu items 4,5,6. Can this be done in
> IC through the use of the Exclude On parameter? Where can I find information
> about it? I have exhausted the list and found nothing.

It is just the name of a CGI variable that, if set, will stop the
display of the menu item.

If you are adding locale=en_US at the end of your URL, you could


in that field. Any time the "locale" CGI variable was present,
it would not be displayed.

depends_on is the opposite.

You also have to set "exclude_on=exclude_on" in your [menu ..]

Mike Heins
Perusion -- Expert Interchange Consulting    http://www.perusion.com/
phone +1.765.647.1295  tollfree 800-949-1889 <mike at perusion.com>

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