[ic] Bundle::InterchangeKitchenSink install failed

Ethan Rowe ethan at endpoint.com
Fri Sep 17 07:07:31 EDT 2004

Grant wrote:

>On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 00:35:33 +0000 (UTC), Jon Jensen <jon at endpoint.com> wrote:
>>On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Grant wrote:
>>>>In the meantime, you may have luck making sure that the build locale is C,
>>>>not a unicode one:
>>>>export LC_ALL=C LANG=C
>>It looks like your failure may be in LWP. Another good idea is to set FTP
>>to be passive, though I don't think that's the problem here.
>>Do these commands from the shell before running CPAN:
>Sorry to post again but I'm wondering if the below is correct for an
>IC installation:
>We are about to install SOAP::Lite and for your convenience will provide
>you with list of modules and prerequisites, so you'll be able to choose
>only modules you need for your configuration.
>Feature                       Prerequisites                Install?
>----------------------------- ---------------------------- --------
>Core Package                  [ ] URI                      always  
>                              [*] MIME::Base64                     
>                              [*] XML::Parser (v2.23)              
>Client HTTP support           [ ] LWP::UserAgent           [ yes ] 
>Client HTTPS support          [*] Crypt::SSLeay            [ yes ] 
>Client SMTP/sendmail support  [ ] MIME::Lite               [ no ]  
>Client FTP support            [*] IO::File                 [ yes ] 
>                              [*] Net::FTP                         
>Standalone HTTP server        [ ] HTTP::Daemon             [ no ]  
>Apache/mod_perl server        [ ] Apache                   [ no ]  
>FastCGI server                [ ] FCGI                     [ no ]  
>POP3 server                   [ ] MIME::Parser             [ no ]  
>                              [*] Net::POP3                        
>IO server                     [*] IO::File                 [ yes ] 
>MQ transport support          [ ] MQSeries                 [ no ]  
>JABBER transport support      [ ] Net::Jabber              [ no ]  
>MIME messages                 [ ] MIME::Parser             [ no ]  
>SSL Support for TCP Transport [ ] IO::Socket::SSL          [ no ]  
>Compression support for HTTP  [*] Compress::Zlib           [ yes ] 
>MIME interoperability w/ Axis [ ] MIME::Parser (v6.106)    [ no ]  
>--- An asterix '[*]' indicates if the module is currently installed.
>It looks messed up but everything is on the right line (no wrapping). 
>This is one of the last choices I'm given before the error so I
>thought it might be suspect.
>- Grant
Grant, did you try anything special with LWP as Jon suggested in an 
earlier message?

The lack of an asterisk next to LWP::UserAgent makes my suspicious.  The 
LWP modules provide a bunch of basic, important WWW stuff.

I'd suggest trying to install that separately, then redo your 
Bundle::InterchangeKitchenSink install:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::LWP'

I recently set up InterchangeKitchenSink on a new server and had 
problems similar to what you're experiencing, and installing LWP 
separately was the key to the problem.  It isn't necessarily the same 
situation for you, but that LWP::UserAgent ought to be there...

Ethan Rowe
End Point Corporation
ethan at endpoint.com

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