[ic] How to skip multi page question if logged in

Gary Norton gnorton at broadgap.com
Fri Jan 28 10:46:47 EST 2005

Andrew Rich wrote:

>>>IC 5.3
>>>I am using the multi page checkout on our site.
>>>If a user has setup an account they are still get the first
>>>page of the multi page checkout which asks them to log-in or
>>>express checkout etc.
>>>How can I just take them directly to the checkout page?
>>I might be a little rusty, but how about
>>[if logged_in][bounce ord/checkout][/if]
>Hi Paul
>Thank you for the code but may I ask where do I put it?
>Is it in ord/multi.html
>If so then where in the file?
In the 5.3 Standard demo ord/multi has this near the top of the page:

[if session logged_in]
[and !session admin]
    [bounce href="[area href=ord/shipping secure=1]"]


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