[ic] possible to update multiple records with a single form

Bill Carr bill at bottlenose-wine.com
Thu Jan 22 01:50:20 UTC 2009

On Jan 21, 2009, at 7:03 PM, DB wrote:

> Sorry - my original post had a typo which is fixed here
> I added a field named 'notes' to my orderline table. I want to  
> create a
> form which list the code and notes fields for each orderline record  
> with
> a given order_number, which I can easily to with a mysql query.
> But, I want the notes field to be editable for each record and then  
> have
> all records updated when I submit the form.
> Does anyone have any experience or advice?
I've just done something similar using script.aculo.us inplace editor.  
It's not quite exactly what your asking for but the end user  
experience is similar. If you're interested in that approach I'll post  

Bill Carr
Bottlenose - Wine & Spirits eBusiness Specialists
(413) 584-0400

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