[ic] long tail links

Steve Bronson steve at airdelights.com
Fri Apr 27 23:13:06 UTC 2018

This file was created for me to generate long tail links on our website.  However when on a page with https the long tail links are http.  Can anyone help me figure out how to fix this so if your on a page with https the long tail links go to https? 

On page code [long_tail "sku"]

The file is in interchange/usertag/ and is called long_tail.tag

Here is the code in that file:

UserTag long_tail Order sku
UserTag long_tail addAttr
UserTag long_tail Routine <<EOR
sub {
       my $sku = shift;
       my $opt = shift;
       $opt->{no_session} = 1 unless defined $opt->{no_session};
       use vars qw/ $Tag /;
       my $db = dbref('products')
               or do {
                       ::logError("no products db!");
                       return $Tag->area($sku);
       my ($long, $desc) = $db->get_slice($sku, [ qw/ long_tail description / ]);
       if(! $long and ! $desc) {
               ::logError("no sku=$sku in products db, called by long_tail");
               return $Tag->area($sku);
       $long ||= $desc;
       $long =~ s/--/-/g;
       $long =~ s/\W+/-/g;
       $long =~ s/^$sku//;
       $long =~ s/^-+//;
       $long = join "--", $sku, $long;
       return $Tag->area({ href => $long, no_session => $opt->{no_session}});

GlobalSub long_tail_missing <<EOS
sub {
       my $sku = shift;
       return unless $sku =~ s/--.*//s;
       my $db = dbref('products')
               or return;
       my ($resku, $template) = $db->get_slice($sku, [ qw/ sku template_page / ]);
       return unless $resku;
       $template ||= 'flypage';
       $Vend::Session->{arg} = $sku;
       return(1, $template);

Steve Bronson 
Air Delights, Inc.
steve at airdelights.com
Phone: 1-800-440-5556
Fax: 1-503-643-8224

Air Delights, Inc. is a National Distributor of Plumbing Products and Restroom Accessories. Please visit our website at http://www.airdelights.com

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