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DBI MySQL Configuration Problem


Could someone please help me with the following problem?

I'm trying to configure MiniVend to use an SQL database with the MySQL
server. The MySQL server seams to be configured correctly for I can create
databases, tables, perform INSERTs and SELECTs, etc., and I have a granted
all rights to the user "minivend" with a given password. Also, on the MySQL
server, the table 'country' and it columns exist in the 'minivend' database.
According to the MiniVend documentation, I have created a catalog called
'shopping', and the catalog.cfg file contains the following:

Database            products     products.asc      TAB
Database            products     INDEX             category
Database            pricing      pricing.asc       TAB
Database            transactions transactions.txt  TAB
Database            userdb       userdb.asc        TAB
Database            locale       locale.asc        TAB
Database            Ground       Ground.csv        CSV
Database            2ndDayAir    2ndDayAir.csv     CSV
Database            NextDayAir   NextDayAir.csv    CSV
#Database            country      country.asc       TAB

Database            country      country.asc       SQL
Database   country  country.asc  DBI:mysql:minivend:localhost:3306
Database   country  USER         minivend
Database   country  PASS         secret
Database   country  DELIMITER    TAB

# Set a DBI attribute
Database   country  LongReadLen   128

# change some fields from the default field type of char(128)
# Only applies if Minivend is importing from ASCII file
# If you set a field to a numeric type, you must set the
# NUMERIC attribute
Database	country COLUMN_DEF   code=char(2),
Database	country COLUMN_DEF   selector=char(2)
Database	country COLUMN_DEF   shipmodes=char(20)
Database	country COLUMN_DEF   name=char(20)

When restarting the MiniVend server the following messages are displayed:

Sent TERM to server on PID 1808.
MiniVend server stopped.
MiniVend V3.14
Configuring catalog shopping...UserTag 'quick_table' code is not a
subroutine re
In line 1543 of the configuration file 'catalog.cfg':
UserTag quick_table Routine <<EOF

shopping config error: Undefined subroutine &Vend::Table::DBI::create called
/usr/local/pub/minivend/lib/Vend/Table/ line 160, <IN> chunk 1.

shopping: error in configuration. Skipping.
shopping: config error. Skipping.
Configuring catalog simple...done.
MiniVend server started in INET and UNIX mode(s) (process id 3662)

Of course the MiniVend server did not started. I'm hoping the it's just a
configuration problem, or a missing PERL module.

Thank you for any help in advance.



CPU: Intel
OS: Linux RedHat 6.0
MiniVend version: MiniVend 3.12
HTTP server type: Apache 1.3.6
Perl version: 5.00503
DBM library: DBI Module 1.02
Error logs attached:
	error1.log (/usr/local/pub/minivend/error.log)
	error2.log (/usr/local/pub/minivend/catalogs/shopping/error.log)



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