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Re: [MV set-up] Moving Orders from Minivend ...

On Wed, 04 Aug 1999, you wrote:
>******    message to minivend-users from "Mr. Anthony R.J. Ball" <>     ******
>> I know this isn't really a minivend problem, but I'd appreciate any help.  So
>> far I've thought of replacing the sendmail program with a perl script that
>> checked the order format (which would be created by the format of the report),
>> stripped out the CC information and mailed it off, and then created a file,
>> dumped the order into and appended it to the order file that Prism wants.
>> That's just my first idea, so if anyone has a quicker/ different way to do it,
>> please let me know.
>  What I did to put our orders into a database is use a non-safe perl 
>eval (see the realperl stuff) to write to DBI in the report page... you
>could do the same thing, or something similar. Write a global tag or 
>global sub... feed in the info you need, and write it to a file somewhere.
>You could use the perl tag to create your comma seperated list and then 
>have a global sub that took the list and the order number to name your 
>file... and write it out.

I thought about doing this, but I wasn't sure if I could meet all of prism's
demands on the file location / name.  Prism stores it's incoming orders in a
format very similar to windows INI files, with many orders all in the same
file seperated by [] delimited headers (some of which are [value variable],
and look very, very much like MV tags.)

The file MV would have to append to is on an NFS share, way, way out of MV's
tree, and I'm not sure how well _I_ could pull off what you're talking about
(since I only vaguly understand it, even after 40 minutes of reading)

Anyway, if I missed your point, let me know ;)
Cory Trese 
email :
fone : (740) 594 - 2274, ext 223
phax : (740) 593 - 3045
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