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Re: [MV set-up] Moving Orders from Minivend to "Prism"

> I know this isn't really a minivend problem, but I'd appreciate any help.  So
> far I've thought of replacing the sendmail program with a perl script that
> checked the order format (which would be created by the format of the report),
> stripped out the CC information and mailed it off, and then created a file,
> dumped the order into and appended it to the order file that Prism wants.
> That's just my first idea, so if anyone has a quicker/ different way to do it,
> please let me know.

  What I did to put our orders into a database is use a non-safe perl 
eval (see the realperl stuff) to write to DBI in the report page... you
could do the same thing, or something similar. Write a global tag or 
global sub... feed in the info you need, and write it to a file somewhere.
You could use the perl tag to create your comma seperated list and then 
have a global sub that took the list and the order number to name your 
file... and write it out.


Anthony Ball                                      
MaineStreet Communications, Inc        208 Portland Road, Gray, ME  04039
tel:1.207.657.5078         fax:1.207.657.5048

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