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Re: [MV set-up] Moving Orders from Minivend to "Prism"


Sounds like a good job for a Globalsub in minivend.cfg:

GlobalSub <<EOF
sub order_prism {
	my ($order, %info) = @_;
	my $order_file = "/path/to/prism/orders/directory/$order.txt"; 
	# file will be saved as order number + .txt
	open(ORDER,">$order_file") || return "can't open $order_file";

	print ORDER "$info{'this'},$info{'that'},$info{'the_other'}";		

	return "Order Saved";

Then on the report page which formats all of the order info
which is sent via email to the catalog owner:

[perl arg=sub interpolate=1]order_prism(q{[value mv_order_number]},
this => q{[value email]},
that => q{[value phone]},
the_other => q{[value address]},

####NOT TESTED#####
this way you can keep the standard order process and format your information
to your (Prism) liking.

Hope this helps,

At 11:31 AM 8/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
>******    message to minivend-users from ".cory.trese." 
><>     ******
>List :
>Prism == a inventory control system / mail order / shipping system.
>I need to begin moving all my orders from Minivend into this "Prism" system
>instead of mailing them.
>I'd also really like to continue mailing the encrypted credit card information
>(along with the order number) a mail address.
>Prism has a "web store front" but I think if we started using it, we'd loose
>all our customers because it's terrible...but I digress.
>I figured out the format Prism uses to move orders between it's web server and
>it's primary component.  it's a fairly simple flat text format (CVS, comma and
>"" delimited) file.  What I need to be able to do is make minivend create one
>of those files and then place it on the disk somewhere (on the drive our web
>server and the prism server share) so that prism can parse it into the system.
>I know this isn't really a minivend problem, but I'd appreciate any help.  So
>far I've thought of replacing the sendmail program with a perl script that
>checked the order format (which would be created by the format of the report),
>stripped out the CC information and mailed it off, and then created a file,
>dumped the order into and appended it to the order file that Prism wants.
>That's just my first idea, so if anyone has a quicker/ different way to do it,
>please let me know.
> --
>Cory Trese 
>email :
>fone : (740) 594 - 2274, ext 223
>phax : (740) 593 - 3045
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