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[mv] Minivend Malls

******    message to minivend-users from Murray Gibbins <murray@scotweb.ltd.uk>     ******

How many people out there are building malls with minivend.

If there are enougth maybe we could set up some sort of list to help each other?
  \__/    Murray Gibbins             murray@scotweb.ltd.uk
  /  \    Programmer
_ \__/ _  ================================================
\\ || //  Scotweb Limited,             info@scotweb.ltd.uk
 \\||//   13a Albert Terrace,    http://www.scotweb.ltd.uk
  \||/    Edinburgh EH10 5EA   Tel: +44 (0)  131 270 82 33
   ||     Scotland. Europe.    Fax: +44 (0) 7020  93 49 04
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