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[mv] Saved carts cause internal server error 500

******    message to minivend-users from Ed LaFrance <edl@newmediaems.com>     ******

Has anyone had a problem with saved carts in 3.14-5?  This is the first 
time I have run across this: in the simple demo, after saving and 
retrieving a cart or two, I get an error 500.  The error.log indicates:

Runtime error: Could not eval

(...session entry here ...)

from session dbm: Bad name after one:: at (eval 49) line 28

In this case, "one" is the name of the first cart in the userdb carts field 
for the logged user.  The error always points to the first cart in the cart 
field, no matter what it is named, and how may carts are in that 
field.  Here's how the cart looks from the error log:

'{'one'' => "> [{'code' => \"00-341\",'size' => \"\",'mv_ib' => 
\"products\",'quantity' => \"1\",'color' => \"\",},],}"

Has anyone run across this before?

- Ed L.
| New Media E.M.S.             Software Solutions for Business |
| 12831 Blanco Ct.             Consulting                      |
| Poway, CA  92064  U.S.A.     Custom Programming              |
| 858-486-6508                 Internet and eCommerce          |
| 630-604-4265 eFax                                            |
| edl@newmediaems.com                                          |
| http://www.newmediaems.com                                   |

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