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Re: [mv] Query usage

******    message to minivend-users from Mike Heins <mikeh@minivend.com>     ******

Quoting Nick Pleis (npleis@saratogaweb.com):
> Hey,
> I'm wanting to have some HTML that only shows up if a particular query returned something. For example:
> [query sql="select * from foo" list=1]
> heres some stuff that should only show up in the query
> [list]
> [sql-param something]
> [/list]
> [/query]
> I had hoped that the method above would achieve this, however...the text
> within the query tag is parsed and used even if the query itself was empty.
> Is there some way to determine how many rows a query returned to encapsulate
> this within some sort of conditional expression?

Does this array of features not work for you? 

[query list=1 sql="select * from products where artist like '%gogh%'"]

    This is the unvarying text, displayed whether there are matches or not.


    [sql-change 1][condition]1[/condition]
         <blockquote> This will get shown once if there is a match. </blockquote>
    [/sql-change 1]

    This is shown for every match:<br>
    title: [sql-param title]<P>


    <blockquote>This only gets displayed if there is no result. </blockquote>


I could see that there might be an opening for an [on-match] pair, which
could provide easy header/footer capability.

Akopia, Inc., 131 Willow Lane, Floor 2, Oxford, OH  45056
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