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[mv] Comparison with Open Sales

******    message to minivend-users from Mike Heins <mikeh@minivend.com>     ******

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has checked Open Sales AllCommerce out. (I tried, but
wasn't able to get it to run easily.) 

As far as I can tell from examining the source, they have no
code. Everything is hard-coded, they don't "use strict", global variables
floating around everywhere, etc. They don't have a demo up.

Has anyone tried this, and if so, are there any comments?

Akopia, Inc., 131 Willow Lane, Floor 2, Oxford, OH  45056
phone +1.513.523.8220 fax 7501 <heins@akopia.com>

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-- Wernher Von Braun
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