[ic] Order procedure

Ed LaFrance edl at newmediaems.com
Wed Oct 8 14:33:00 EDT 2003

At 09:54 PM 10/8/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I need to change some things in the order procedure.
>What does happen when someone pushes the "Place Order" button? Or better 
>where in the ic code does it happen? (I must be blind ;-))
>I need to send an Email to a specified dealer (every customer can select 
>his favourite dealer, this works fine already) AND to the customer 
>(implemented by default).
>The dealer should receive a kind of link to the ic site where he can 
>confirm the order (change the order status) and after the order has been 
>shipped to set the state of the order to "Shipped".
>All I can see is the etc/receipt.html but where is the code that is 
>processed before that?
>Thank you for your answer!
>Jürgen R. Plasser

Take a look at the Routes in your catalog.cfg, including the 'default' 
route, which is used to chain the individual routes for a front-end order 
in the foundation demo. When the order is submitted, each of the routes 
will be executed in turn; this is how you can send emails, log data, etc. 
This is also somewhat documented at icdevgroup.org.



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