[ic] More Than One Receipt

rbragg redhat at rickbragg.net
Mon Oct 4 10:47:58 EDT 2004


Is there a way to set up another route with another receipt?
I would like people to get two different receipts. One if they check out 
with the main route, and a different one if they check out in the second 

I have in my catalog.cfg the following lines,
SpecialPage  report   ../etc/report
SpecialPage  receipt  ../etc/receipt
SpecialPage  receipt  ../etc/secondreceipt

and the following 2 routes

Route main  <<EOF
         attach            0
         credit_card       1
         default           1
         email             '__ORDERS_TO__'
         encrypt           0
         errors_to         '__ORDERS_TO__'
         pgp_cc_key        "__PGP_KEY__"
         pgp_key           "__PGP_KEY__"
         receipt           etc/receipt.html
         report            etc/report
         supplant          1
         individual_track  orders
         track             logs/tracking.asc

Route secondreceipt  <<EOF
         attach            0
         credit_card       1
         email             '__ORDERS_TO__'
         encrypt           0
         errors_to         '__ORDERS_TO__'
         pgp_cc_key        "__PGP_KEY__"
         pgp_key           "__PGP_KEY__"
         receipt           etc/secondreceipt.html
         report            etc/secondreport
         supplant          1
         individual_track  orders
         track             logs/tracking.asc

It seems that the reports and emails that are sent to the cust are OK. 
However, only the last receipt set via the SpecialPage directive above 
is used for both routes.

Any Ideas?


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