[ic] Did you know about Levies? (part of a series)

Mike Heins mike at perusion.com
Sun Jun 5 09:13:23 EDT 2005

Most users who use Interchange for ecommerce have set up salestax and
shipping. For many applications, that is all that is needed. But some
countries, such as Canada, and some businesses, such as ticket agencies,
have different needs.

Did you know that the Interchange Levies facility is a way to coordinate
and combine separate taxes and fees?

Levies are a way of defining multiple additional product charging such
as taxes, handling, fees, and shipping. If you use Levies, the normal
salestax, shipping, and handling tags are ignored (even when you use the
[assign] tag).

Levy charges are placed into the equivalent of an Interchange shopping
cart, and are unlimited in number.

The "Levy" directive is used to define what the charges are.
The "Levies" directive is used to determine which levies
will be used.

The below definition emulates a standard Interchange setup with only
salestax and shipping:

    Levies  salestax shipping

    Levy    salestax    description    "Sales Tax (%s)"
    Levy    salestax    keep_if_zero   1
    Levy    salestax    type           salestax
    Levy    salestax    sort           002

    Levy    shipping    keep_if_zero   1
    Levy    shipping    type           shipping
    Levy    shipping    mode_variable  mv_shipmode
    Levy    shipping    mode           USPS

The actual levies structure looks just like an Interchange shopping cart
-- an array of hashes, with each Levy being a hash. The name of the levy
is in the "code" member, and the various other values (description,
cost, etc.) are other members in the hash.

One might look like:

	    code => 'salestax',
	    description => 'Sales Tax (OH)',
	    type => 'salestax',
	    cost => 2.33,
	    mode => undef,
	    sort => '010',
	    part_number => 'SALESTAX',
	    label => 'Tax',
	    group => 'salestax',
	    code => 'shipping',
	    description => 'UPS Ground Shipping',
	    type => 'shipping',
	    cost => 9.18,
	    mode => undef,
	    sort => '020',
	    part_number => 'SHIPPING',
	    label => 'Shipping',
	    group => 'shipping',

You access the levies cart with [levy-list] LIST [/levy-list]. The
behavior of the list is exactly the same as with an [item-list] for a
shopping cart -- [levy-param description] will access the "description"
member of the hash for that levy.

Levies are a bit processor-intensive, and as such are not recalculated
every time they are accessed. They can be automatically recalculated by
using the "check_status" Levy parameter as described below.

Levies example

Here is a common usage -- GST and PST taxing for Canada, with salestax
calculation for the United States. The standard shipping configuration
is included as well.

  Levy    gst         description         GST
  Levy    gst         label               GST
  Levy    gst         part_number         GST
  Levy    gst         tax_type            GST
  Levy    gst         include_if          "[if value country eq CA]1[/if]"
  Levy    gst         keep_if_zero        1
  Levy    gst         type                salestax
  Levy    gst         sort                002

  Levy    pst         description         "PST (%s)"
  Levy    pst         label               PST
  Levy    pst         part_number         PST
  Levy    pst         tax_type            PST
  Levy    pst         include_if          "[if value country eq CA]1[/if]"
  Levy    pst         keep_if_zero        1
  Levy    pst         type                salestax
  Levy    pst         sort                003

  Levy    salestax    description         "Sales Tax (%s)"
  Levy    salestax    label               "Tax"
  Levy    salestax    part_number         SALESTAX
  Levy    salestax    include_if          "[if value country eq US]1[/if]"
  Levy    salestax    keep_if_zero        1
  Levy    salestax    type                salestax
  Levy    salestax    sort                002

  Levy    shipping    label               "Shipping"
  Levy    shipping    type                shipping
  Levy    shipping    part_number         SHIPPING
  Levy    shipping    mode_from_values    mv_shipmode
  Levy    shipping    check_status        mv_shipmode
  Levy    shipping    group               shipping

The above will work well if you have the various Canadian province
taxes defined in the "state" table as multiple entries (as shown in the
"standard" demo).

    code    country state   name            tax     tax_name
    00185   CA      AB      Alberta         7%      PST
    00187   CA      MB      Manitoba        8%      GST
    00039   CA      AB      Alberta         8%      GST
    00041   CA      MB      Manitoba        6%      PST

Here is the section in the "standard" catalog ord/finalize page
that calls out Levies for display:

        [if config Levies]
            [levies recalculate=1 hide=1]
              <td align=left class=contentbar1>[levy-param label]:</TD>
              <td align=right class=contentbar1>[levy-param cost]</TD>

You can see that in this case, if the order is from Canada, you will
get something like:

              <td align=left class=contentbar1>GST:</TD>
              <td align=right class=contentbar1>2.44</TD>
              <td align=left class=contentbar1>PST (AB):</TD>
              <td align=right class=contentbar1>2.13</TD>
              <td align=left class=contentbar1>Shipping:</TD>
              <td align=right class=contentbar1>7.35</TD>

Levies Directives for Configuration

There are two "catalog.cfg" directives for levies -- "Levies"
and "Levy".

The "Levies" directive is a simple list of symbolic names --
though we use *salestax* and *shipping* above, they could be called
"foo" and "bar". They are just identifiers to call out which "Levy"
sections will be applied.

The "Levy" directive is an Interchange locale-style
directive, with an unlimited number of keys that can be set in different
areas. Each Levy type has a number of settings which can be used.

    Indicates that the result of this levy should be added to another
    levy for purposes of display and summarization.

    The names of Interchange Values members that should be checked to
    see if a Levy needs to be recalculated. This is commonly set to
    "mv_shipmode" for the shipping types, as any time that value changes
    the levy cart will need to be recalculated.

    The string that is shown when [levy-param description] is used.

    The levy is excluded from calculations if this parameter evaluates
    to true (in the Perl sense).

    There are three possible ways to use it:

    *   If a single word with only word characters, like *no_salestax*,
	the levy is ignored when that member of Values is set. For

	    # catalog.cfg entry
	    # Don't tax our resellers
	    Levy  salestax  exclude_if tax_id

	If the customer has put in a tax_id value, the "salestax" levy
	will be excluded.

    *   If it contains ITL code (a __VARIABLE__ or ITL tag) it will be
	interpreted as ITL and be true when that returns a true value.
	(A whitespace-only return will not be true.)

    *   If it is neither of the above, it is read as embedded Perl and
	will be true if that code segment returns true.

    If the levy has "keep_if_zero" in ic_ecommerce set, and you wish to
    display a message when the cost is zero, set it in this.

    Defines a group so that you can pull out and summarize all items in
    that group. If you have two levies, "gst" and "pst", which are
    defined as salestax, then [levies group=salestax] will return the
    combined cost of those.

    Levy is not included unless the condition in "include_if" pertains.
    The behavior is the same as "exclude_if" except for the sense.

    Indicates that the item is included in the price. In other words,
    with VAT, this value is only maintained for display purposes and is
    not added to [subtotal] to get [total-cost].

    Indicates the item should be kept in the levies cart for display
    even if its value is zero.

    The Interchange Values member which should be read to get a value to
    substitute in the description.

       Levy  salestax  description  Sales Tax (%s)
       Levy  salestax  label_value  state

    If the customer has a state value of "OH", the above will result in
    a levy description of Sales Tax (OH).

    The mode which should be used for the levy if it is a "shipping"

    An Interchange Scratch member/key which is used to set the mode.

    An Interchange Values member/key which is used to set the mode. This
    is commonly used to set the shipping mode from the value
    "mv_shipmode" in icvariables.

    Indicates that this levy uses the "Salestax multi" behavior and
    calculates tax from the country and state tables. (Described above).

    A part number which can be passed to an accounting program which
    uses part numbers to pass tax and shipping, QuickBooks being an

    The order in which the item should be displayed in the [levy-list].
    Compared in string context, so 011 will come before 1.

    This is the same as the catalog.cfg directive "SalesTax",
    and sets the Values fields used to do a simple salestax
    lookup. A typical value would be "state" or "zip, state".

    A tax type to be passed to the "multi" calculation, perhaps for
    calculating GST and PST separately.

    One of "salestax", "shipping", or "custom". The default is
    "shipping" unless the mode name is "salestax".

    The three types:

	Uses the Interchange salestax routines as the method of

	Uses the Interchange shipping routines as the method of

	Uses the Interchange shipping routines as the method of
	calculation, but by default is sorted later than "shipping" in
	the levy cart,

	The name of a Sub or GlobalSub which will return the cost of the

Mike Heins
Perusion -- Expert Interchange Consulting    http://www.perusion.com/
phone +1.765.647.1295  tollfree 800-949-1889 <mike at perusion.com>

Fast, reliable, cheap.  Pick two and we'll talk.  -- unknown

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