[ic] 5.5.1 to 5.6.1 Admin JS Broken

Sam Batschelet sam at westbranchresort.com
Thu Dec 11 18:43:58 UTC 2008

On 12/11/08 11:46 AM, "Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <racke at linuxia.de> wrote:

> Sam Batschelet wrote:
>> I just did an upgrade from 5.5.1 to 5.6.1 and a custom JS script that I use
>> for a shipping module seems to be broken.  I have been looking through the
>> change logs but don't see anything specific to JS anyone have anything that
>> they have notice during upgrades to 5.6.1 regarding broken JS?  I can post
>> the cost in question but it is quite a large file.
> You can pastebin that file, also at least post the JS error you get.
Its not generating an error in interchange or apache the script just isn't
working.  Unless something else in the code is depreciated I don't get it
because it seems to interpolate fine.  The code isn't the cleanest I'm sure
but it did work.  The code generates small boxes with the ordered item sku
in them that can be dragged and dropped into the larger boxes to create a
packing list for each order.



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