[ic] Pricing Table an % discounts

Peter peter at pajamian.dhs.org
Fri May 2 01:38:50 UTC 2008

On 05/01/2008 01:19 AM, IC wrote:
> You can do this by modifying the CommonAdjust setting in your 
> catalog.cfg like this (untested):
> CommonAdjust  :sale_price, ;:price, ;$, :related, ==:options, pricing:q5,q10
> Note that once you do that ALL the prices in the pricing table will be 
> applied as adjustments, and not used as initial prices.
> Peter
> Hi Peter,
> Thanks for the reply, my common adjust is set to:-
> CommonAdjust    pricing:q2,q5,q10,q25,q100 ;:sale_price, ;:price, ;$,
> ==:options

Adjusting my above example to work the way you want:
CommonAdjust  :sale_price, ;:price, ;$, ==:options, 

> However percent discounts do not work, in the q fields only actual prices
> work. I see back in the maillist from 2001 there is a comment that NN.NN%
> discounts do not work in the pricing table and a request was made for it to
> be fixed, can anyone confirm whether the pricing table should be capable of
> accepting an NN.NN% discount?
> Looking at Kevins RTFM site on pricing with commonadjust:-
> http://www.interchange.rtfm.info/icdocs/Price_maintenance_with_CommonAdjust.
> html
> It seems to indicate that NN.NN% can be used with commonadjust but it
> doesn't say whether this would be valid in the pricing table.

Yes, but you have to have something to apply the discount *to* which 
needs to go before the discount

> I am trying to setup price groups with percentage discounts, if I can't do
> this its going to mean manually populating the pricing table with 6000
> entries :-(

It will work fine if you set it properly, but like I said before, the 
only caveat is that you can't have both absolute pricing and discounts 
in the same table column, you have to pick one or the other.


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