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Re: [mv] Amazon (Patent) US5960411: Method and system for placinga purchase order via a communications

Mike Heins wrote:

> For everyone's information, MiniVend first had this same type of feature
> in February 1996, though in my opinion it simply doesn't matter. IANAL,
> but the Amazon "patent" is in my opinion completely indefensible.

The problem if you don't have several hundred thousand to spend on 
laywers, you will never get to the point where you show prior art.
Another problem is that there are literally hunderds of patents that
cover procedures used in minivend.  Really simple things like using
SSL to encrypt a credit card number are patented as well.

Here's another patent for ya.   It's titled "Method of exercising a

I will no longer be amazed at what gets through the US patent office.


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