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[mv] Cybercash

******    message to minivend-users from "Webmaster" <webmaster@infothai.com>     ******


I have encountered the Cybercash failure that was noted before in this list, 
in which the latest Cybercash (v. will not encrypt when running with 
Minivend 3.14-5.

Cybercash introduced the use of the "open2' IPC call to communicate 
with the encryption and decryption programs, which are invoked as separate 
processes. It is clear from the earlier posts that the open2 versus temp files 
change is the source of the problem, since on author reported that "degrading"
to solved the problem.

By instrumenting the Cybercash perl code, I found that the reported error 
("missing MAC") is exactly correct - there was null data returned from the 
encryption process. I also found that if Minivend is started in -DEBUG mode, 
then the everything works. The Cybercash integration tests also work.

Putting it all together, this means that the problem would seem to lie with 
Minivend operating in the background and trying to use open2. Perhaps there is 
a permission or resource difference between background and foreground/DEBUG 
that is the problem?

At this point I've run out of ideas. I am awaiting a reply from Cybercash about 
some technical questions re the encryption and decryption programs, but that 
may or may not yield results.

Any suggestions or ideas on where to look would be welcome, and I'll post any 
useful results I get.

By the way, does Minivend 4.0.x have this same problem? Is anyone running the 
4.0.x version with the latest Cybercash?

Last question: does anyone have Cybercash for FreeBSD 3.2? I cannot seem 
to find any older versions on the Cybercash site.




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