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[mv] Re: interchange and credit card charges with cybercash...help (fwd)

******    message to minivend-users from Sonny Cook <sonny@akopia.com>     ******

Okay, a little research seems to indicate that I was not completely
correct.  the &charge only seems to be good if you are defining a custom
charge subroutine, otherwise it seems to be ignored.  If it serves some
other purpose, I have not discovered it yet.  Just a guess, but if the 
directive is not there, there will probably not be an attempt to make
a charge.  What you really want is to set mv_cyber_mode to mauthonly
somewhere in one of your pages that is involved in the session the user
will have when they order.  The checkout page comes to mind.

Sonny Cook
Itinerant Chthonic Actuator
"What is it that makes you all behave as though you were real?"
--Franz Kafka "Description of a Struggle"

Sonny responded somewhat incorrectly>

&charge=mauthonly or &charge=[var CYBER_MODE] is the short answer.  The
long answer might be something like:  IC is (more or less) configured to
use cybercash as the default, and so the settings for the default store
are a good guide.

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Todd Benson wrote:

> Sonny,
> Sorry to bother you.  I'm a member of the minivend contact list and I
> noticed that on August 30th you responded to a
> person who had a question about minivend and credit card payments.  The
> gentleman said that he was beating his head up against a wall and it
> seems that I am doing the same.  I want to use cybercash's perl routines
> and have put those in the minivend lib directory.  I've set my cybercash
> variables with the cybermode being mauthonly.  I don't know exactly how
> to set my checkout profile, especially the part that deals with
> cybercash.  More specifically, what do I set the &charge=???????.  What
> should this be?   Any other advice that you could provide would be much
> appreciated.  This is the last major thing that I need to overcome
> before the catalog is ready to go and it is the most important.  Thanks
> for any help that you can provide.
> Thank you
> Todd Benson

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