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[mv] How to have qty breaks based on a 'group' ?

******    message to minivend-users from Ryan <rps@willconsult.com>     ******

Hello. I need to enable quantity breaks using a code other than
the item code. Usually MV sees that the user has placed X qty of
an item in to their cart and so gives them the qty break price for
ordering X of those items.

I need to use the same pricing.asc file, and the normal method
described above, but also need use qty break prices if the
user orders X number of items that are in the same group. I will
have a 'groupcode' field in my database. It will contain a unique
key for each group. So if two products are ordered (lets say A and B)
and they both have the same value in the 'groupcode' field, I need
to use the qty break price for a qty of 2 for both products.

My thinking was loop though all items in the basket, count up
the ones that have more than 1 product in a unique groupcode.

Then loop through this subset of products, and for each one
change the price to the correct qty break based on how many
items in the cart belong to that group.

Its this last part I dont't know how to do.

Any ideas? Another way do to it? Thanks,


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