[ic] Standard catalog Customer Entrance or Admin Interface = "Interchange not available"

New ICuser helpinghand at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 21:30:08 EST 2008

I've just installed Interchange 5.4.2 using tarballs on a Fedora 5
system running Apache 2.2.2, Perl 5.8.8, and MySQL 5.0.22.  I'll say
up front that my Perl is the default "threads enabled," which gets me
a "Not recommended for production" warning on startup, but I think I
saw in the documentation that this was probably okay with Perl 5.8+,
and this isn't a production system anyway -- I'm just trying to learn
what goes where and why.  To do this, I'm attempting to build the
"Standard" catalog following the tutorials on the icdevgroup.org site.

I'm kind of new to installing things on Linux too, though I've been on
*nix shells for many years as a user.  I had a few problems with
groups and permissions (which I think are all resolved), which caused
Interchange startup to fail.  I expect my current problem is something
I mis-specified during makecat, but I'm not sure what it would be, so
I'm asking for help from those with more experience.

I turned on debug messages in interchange.cfg, but there is nothing
being written to /tmp/icdebug.  I've checked, and my tables have been
built and populated in MySQL.  My Interchange restart messages from
error.log look like this:

- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:04 -0800] - - STOP server (31809) on signal TERM
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:11 -0800] - - Sending debug messages to debug.log.
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:11 -0800] - - Low traffic settings.
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:12 -0800] - - ...UI is loaded...
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:12 -0800] - - Interchange V5.4.2
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:12 -0800] - - Running with old signals.
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:12 -0800] - - ******************************
> ***************************************************************
> ****                                                       ****
> ****  You are running a Perl with threads enabled -- this  ****
> ****  is not recommended for a production environment.     ****
> ****                                                       ****
> ****  If the Interchange daemon does not start, add this   ****
> ****  line to interchange.cfg:                             ****
> ****                                                       ****
> ****    Variable MV_GETPPID_BROKEN  1                      ****
> ****                                                       ****
> ****  Then restart the server.                             ****
> ****                                                       ****
> ***************************************************************
> ***************************************************************
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:12 -0800] - - Config 'standard' at server startup
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:14 -0800] - - START server (31820) (UNIX)
- - - [28/February/2008:16:45:14 -0800] - - START server (31820) (UNIX)

When I point my browser at (local.server.name)/standard, I get an
Interchange panel that has the store name I specified, and links to
Customer Entrance at (local.server.name)/cgi-bin/standard/index.html,
and to Admin Interface at
(local.server.name)/cgi-bin/standard/admin/index.html.  Clicking on
either of these links just makes the browser (Firefox spin
"loading" for several minutes, after which it displays an "Interchage
server may not be running" message.  However, I know Interchange is
running, because

[root at localhost interchange]# ps -ef | grep "interch"
interch  31820     1  0 16:58 ?        00:00:00 interchange
interch  31882 28934  0 17:03 ?        00:00:00 /var/www/cgi-bin/standard
root     31885 31677  0 17:04 pts/3    00:00:00 grep interch

Any idea what I should be looking at to figure out what the problem
is?  Is there any other diagnostic I can turn on, since error.log and
/tmp/icdebug seem to think things are peachy?  Thanks for any

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