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Re: [mv] Re: MV 4.04 and va= on scan

******    message to minivend-users from Mike Heins <mikeh@minivend.com>     ******

Quoting Barry Treahy (Barry@bstent.com):
> My next question, whic is realted, is that is the variable created with va=
> is not in a scratch variable but rather in a space named value?  I've got for
> examples of what I tried, simple process of eliminate I suppose, but I do not
> understand why only the last worked.  Can someone educate me on this?  This
> wasn't intuitive to me and I guess I'm really missing something basic here...

The basic thing is it would never be secure to let someone set
a scratch space variable in a URL. The the [value ...] stuff is
expected to be tainted, but scratch must be secure so you can 
use it to set your form actions and run code.

The [value ...] tag translates [ to &#91;, so there is no way
for someone to pass an MV tag via that route.

Otherwise someone could do something with [set ...] ... [/set] and
mv_click. This essentially is what MS Outlook allows you to do....oops!

Internet Robotics, 131 Willow Lane, Floor 2, Oxford, OH  45056
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